Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council
Project Director
As Project Director, I was tasked to implemented the Malaysia Year of Healthcare Travel 2020 Campaign, the nation’s first major international healthcare travel campaign with a goal of attracting 2 million medical tourists and RM8 billion GDP contribution. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and travel restrictions, we pivoted to digital marketing with rebranded campaign: Malaysia the World’s Healthcare Marvel. My team managed the campaign strategy, activities and content production with a budget of RM16 million.
Photo credit: MHTC
I enjoy seeing Atiqah in action when presenting physically. The way she explains something and her energy is inspiring, as well as her prompt action even if it's the smallest matter . Atiqah is goal-oriented and is very clear of what she intends to achieve. She is also a effective communicator and able to spread across concise information across teams.
Julia Yong, Assistant Marketing Manager
Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council
Atiqah's work was spot-on, exactly what our organisation wanted, and she was innovative in increasing the value and usefulness of the project. Exceptional work!
Arioli Naraisiah, Senior Executive
Malaysia Travel Healthcare Council
Education Sector Transformation, Ethiopia
Delivery Leader
As the Lead for London-based Delivery Associates’ team, I worked with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Education to facilitate national planning across all 11 regions within Ethiopia to transform the General Education, Higher Education & TVET sectors. Supported by Department of International Development (DFID) and British Council, we established and coached Ministerial and Regional Units on perform project management and problem-solving to ensure smooth implementation of plans, with regular meetings with the Minister of Education and State Ministers in deciding priorities and actions to be taken by top leadership.
Photo credit: (1) Emmanuel Ikwuegbu; Delivery Associates
Atiqah was the real engine of the team with her leadership quality with deep expertise, her approach which was very supportive and friendly, and her flexibility in decision making. I appreciate her ability in understanding the local context and acting accordingly. Now I think we are on the right track, this is because of her effort.
H.E. Mohammed Ahmedia, State Minister of General
Ministry of Education, Ethiopia
The thing I personally and the team liked the most was the fact that Atiqah didn’t try to impose on other people. She instead helped people see and figure out how it might work in their context. She was able to find the right balance between challenge and support. She wasn’t too complacent but not pushy either. I have also noted with admiration how she managed to take everyone on board and get them to work for and with her. I have also been impressed by herr work rate and the speed by which she does things.
Netsanet Demewoz, Director of Education & Team Leader QESSP
British Council Ethiopia
Big Results Now, Tanzania
Technical Advisor
As a Technical Advisor to Tanzania’s President’s Delivery Bureau in the Education & Business-related sectors, my team established and coached units within the respective Ministries on effective implementation of programmes in national key sectors, including quarterly council meetings with the President and Ministers. We also coordinated implementation activities across Ministries at the federal and state level, with regular tracking of progress and reporting to the President and respective Ministers, culminating in the annual report that is published and made accessible to the public.
Photo credit: Government of Tanzania; PEMANDU
Atiqah is one of the most wonderful, brilliant, energetic, proactive and hardworking young ladies I have met in my life. She inspired me in the way she kept her diary, tight schedules, follow-ups and many such good things mandated to her. The way she works will long live in my memory.
Dr. Adolf Rutayuga, Executive Secretary
National Council for Technical Education, Tanzania
The Most Valuable Player (MVP) Award given to Atiqah was very well deserved.
Neema Ndunguru, Director
President's Delivery Bureau, Tanzania
TalentCorp Malaysia
Assistant Manager
Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp Malaysia) was established to resolve human resource management issues in Malaysia. As part of the founding team, I developed national policies and initiatives alongside Ministries to address national issues in Education and Human Resource, and coordinated between public sector agencies and private companies in carrying out public-private partnerships for talent development and management.
Photo credit: TalentCorp Malaysia
My Superwoman - an effervescent personality, great mix of traditional and modern and a fantastic way of pulling people together.
Bhavandeep Singh, Manager
TalentCorp Malaysia
Her drive, passion and activism, as well as her curiosity – Malaysia needs more people like Atiqah!
Hadrian Numpang, Manager
TalentCorp Malaysia