Your Life-Energy is worth something. Figure out your price.

In college, I worked several part time jobs. About a quarter of my waking moments were spent on these jobs, and in all honesty, often times I wish I didn't have to. Being young and free, I had plenty of other options on how to spend my time - things that were actually fun too, like hanging out with friends or watching a movie or going to the beach or eating chocolate Nutella strawberry crepes at the local cafe. I certainly didn't envision spending my youth in the basement of libraries and laboratories...
...and yet there I was, 20 hours a week, tired from classes, group projects, assignments and exams, wishing I was out playing in the sun, and yet steeling myself for another few hours of work before I could go back to the dorm and maybe get some sleep.
All that sacrifice, all that effort, all the mishaps with macro-shrimps and thousands of fish requiring feeding... for what?
For money, naturally.
Money that I then immediately blew on the stupidest things.

Like this pink monstrosity.
At the time, 19-year-old Atiqah thought the hot pink, designer-made, plastic money box (that reminded her so much of Dragon Ball Z's fat Majin Boo) was the funniest thing ever, and she happily handed over a chunk of her hard-earned money to the clerk in the chic boutique in San Francisco, all for a few giggles. A few hours later, she would realise that she actually had no use for it, and not knowing what to do with it, she would put the thing in the back of the closet and forget all about it.
She would then go work some more, wishing she didn't have to, and then use the earnings to go on another impulsive shopping spree, buy a lot of useless things, chuck them away, realise she didn't have anymore money, so she would go work some more, wishing she didn't have to...and the cycle repeated itself over again.
The cycle I mentioned above is unfortunately a very common one, and one that I was stuck in for years and years.
At some level, I vaguely knew my spending habits were out of whack and not at all aligned with what I really wanted to do with my money, and in a larger sense, with my life. I mean, I was sure there was a reason why I was working so hard and for so many hours, and I was also pretty sure the reason was not just so I could own a hot pink thing...
I then came upon a book titled Your Money or Your Life (one of the books that changed my life). The book taught me a lot of things, but one particular concept changed how I viewed money, how I earned money and how I spent my money. It also cured my awful habit of impulsive shopping.
Reading the original book will give you a better understanding, but I will attempt to summarise it here:
We all have a certain amount of time allocated to us on this planet. One day you will die - your allocation will be used up. We will call this ‘Life Energy’: a limited resource you have at your disposal.

Your life energy visualised
When we go to our jobs, or whatever it is we do to earn a living, we are basically trading our Life Energy for money. For a lot of us, work takes up a significant amount of our time, and thus our Life Energy. In return, we get some money that we then spend to make our lives better.
The question you need to ask yourself is this: Is what you’re spending on worth the amount of Life Energy you’ve given up for it?
Crunching the numbers
Let’s use some of the math skills we learned in school and bring this concept to life. If you hate Math, just glaze over the numbers and focus on the point I'm trying to make.
Say I work as an executive, and I earn $5,000 a month in exchange for the standard 8-hour workday, 5 days a week. That’s $5,000 for 160 hours of my time each month. So theoretically, this is how much my time is worth:
$5,000 divided by 160 hours = $31 per hour
For every hour I spend at work, I am getting $31.

However, the picture is still incomplete, because that number doesn’t take into account the additional costs of having a job:
Time spent getting ready to work in the morning = 0.5 hour/day, or 2.5 hours/week
Time spent stuck in traffic to get to work and to get home from work = 3 hours/day, or 15 hours/week
Time spent de-stressing from work by watching TV like a zombie = 1 hour/day, or 5 hours/week
Costumes needed to look acceptable at work = $300 a month
Vacations or toys needed to escape from work = $3,000 per year, or $250 a month
Altogether, I spend an additional 22.5 hours a week, or 90 hours a month, with work-related tasks. Since an hour of my time is worth $31, then those 90 hours I spend are worth around $2,790 a month. The costumes and vacations are another $550 a month.
So, out of my salary of $5,000 a month, I am actually only truly earning $1,660.
$5,000 - $2,790 - $550 = $1,660
My new and accurate hourly price is now:
$1,660 divided by 160 hours = $10 per hour

This is the price of my Life-Energy, a grand $10 per hour. For all the work that I do, I am actually making only $10 per hour. This is the point where working at McDonalds' serving burgers seems more lucrative.
Now what?
What’s the point of knowing the price of your Life-Energy?
The benefit of knowing the price of your Life Energy is the ability to evaluate what is worth spending it on.
For example, I am thinking of buying an expensive watch costing $10,000. Since I know that my Life Energy is worth $10 an hour, I can calculate that I am trading 1,000 hours of my Life Energy for it. That’s a lot of hours. That’s more than a month of my life!

For some of us, 1,000 hours of Life Energy for a nice watch is totally worth it. Because we love and appreciate watches, and because the watch brings a lot of happiness to us, we have no issue exchanging that many of our Life Energy for it.
For the rest of us, it may be a bit shocking to realise just how much we’re giving up of our limited time on earth for a watch. Maybe we realise we could have used those 1,000 hours spent at our jobs just to afford this watch by doing something else instead.
Apply it to your life
You need to evaluate whether what you spend on is worth what you’re giving up for it. Is the premium cheese at the supermarket worth 1 hour of your Life Energy? Is that $800,000 house worth 80,000 hours (9 years) of your time on Earth?
The important thing here is that YOU get to decide if it’s worth it. Each of us has different quirks and preferences. For example, I would balk at spending $50 (5 hours of Life Energy) on a nice meal, because fancy food doesn’t interest me. However I will happily spend $500 (50 hours of Life Energy) for a 30-second thrilling sky-diving jump, because that’s what I like, and what I value. You may think I’m crazy, but you don’t get to have a say.
So if you like nice houses, and premium cheese, and you deem those worthy of giving up your Life Energy for, then by all means, do so.
However, you may find that you are spending too much of your Life Energy on things you don’t actually care about, or that don’t even make you all that happy. Maybe you’re paying with 200 hours of your Life Energy for rent, but you hardly ever spend time in the house, or you barely even use all that space. Maybe it’s time to downsize so you no longer need to work so hard and for so many hours just to be able to afford it...
We all have a limited amount of time to enjoy our lives - maybe 80 years or so, on average. Majority of those years are spent on our jobs. While some of us are lucky enough to enjoy the work we do and find a lot of meaning in it, the rest of us often wish we could do something else with that time and with our Life Energy. But we stay on because we need the money to pay for all the things we buy.
Sometimes, we overcompensate for our unhappiness by buying too much stuff and taking on way too many loans that we think will make us happy, except they don’t and are not worth the trouble. But we don’t know this, because we’ve never really been able to measure what we’re giving up in exchange for them.
But now that you actually have a way to measure it using the price of your Life Energy, you can actually evaluate whether the things you spend on are worth the amount of Life Energy you give them.
And if you find that they are not worth it, then stop spending the money. Instead, keep the money. Even better, grow the money.
1. Calculate how much you’re getting paid per hour by dividing your monthly salary (plus bonuses, if relevant) to the number of hours you work each month.
2. Then tabulate all of the extra costs to holding that job that you wouldn’t have to pay for if you didn’t have to go to work: the clothes, the commute, the de-stressors, etc. Subtract that from your salary, and calculate how much you’re actually getting paid per hour. That is the price of your Life Energy.
3. Look at all of the things you pay for, and calculate how much Life Energy they are costing you. Decide if they are worth it.
If they are worth it, by all means, keep throwing your money at them.
If they are not worth it, then eliminate that expense and keep that money instead.
I have made a simple calculator for you to calculate your Life Energy. Get a copy of it by clicking the below.
NEXT... I'll talk about why it's a good thing to know exactly where your money goes, and how to do it. To be updated when the next one comes out, subscribe in the box below.